What Steps Are Followed During An Air Conditioner Replacement?

by | Dec 19, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

In Delaware, heating and cooling contractors secure the right permits for new installations according to local ordinances. The costs are included in the estimate for the new installation services. Additionally, any extra services required for older units such as waste management could also apply. A local contractor performs an Air Conditioner Replacement for commercial or residential property owners.

Ductwork and Piping Preparation

The preparation process starts with the distribution of nitrogen throughout all copper pipes connected to the unit. Next, the contractor performs all required ductwork repairs or replaces the ductwork entirely. The piping and ductwork are also inspected for moisture that could lead to problems later. When possible, the contractor may retrofit the ductwork to accommodate the new unit.

Connecting the New Cooling Unit

A vacuum is connected to the lines leading to the new unit. The purpose of the vacuum is to stop the buildup of acid in the lines as the installation progresses. Leak tests are performed to prevent refrigerant from leaking into the atmosphere and causing a serious health risk for the community. Any new copper piping that is installed must be soldered according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Any faulty lines discovered are replaced entirely to prevent warranty-related problems.

Calibration and Refrigerant Charges

The contractor applies 25 PSI when charging the unit with refrigerant. The step causes the vacuum to break and refrigerant to flow properly throughout the unit. The contractor uses the refrigerant identified in the manufacturer’s specifications. Next, the contractor ensures that refrigerant isn’t escaping the unit and the exterior air isn’t entering the cooling system. Airflow is tested as well to ensure zero operational issues once the unit is turned on.

Testing the Cooling Unit

The air conditioning unit is started and assessed for potential issues. All components are reviewed during the first cycle. The property owner can assess the unit during this time as well.

In Delaware, air conditioning units must meet the manufacturer’s specifications after the installation. Contractors examine piping and ductwork conditions before they start the installation. Property owners who need to schedule an Air Conditioner Replacement can visit website for contact information and services today.

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