Throughout the year, the weather will fluctuate as seasons come and go. In the winter, the air outside becomes cold and dry, making it more uncomfortable for people to breathe properly. During the summer, the temperature soars and the air outside becomes significantly...
Barclay Baehr
The Importance of Ducts Cleaning Services in Bellevue, WA
The ducts in your house are likely to get very dirty over time. Even if you have a filter installed in your house, it’s important that you clean the ducts from time to time. Proper duct cleaning is not easy, and it’s recommended that you leave it to the professionals....
Tips to Help Maintain Your Home’s Air Conditioner
With warmer weather on the horizon, it’s time to switch from heat to air conditioning. You’ll want your system to be in peak condition when June, July and August roll around. Air conditioning services in Macon, GA can help repair your system when damage occurs, but...
A Brief History of Heating in the United States and How That Relates to Oil Furnace Installation in Cranberry PA
Before the 1930s, people in the United States generally heated their homes with one of two substances: wood or coal. Around this time, homeowners who were able to afford a newer option typically made the switch to an oil furnace. Oil was significantly cleaner than...
Emergency Repairs
When your home's furnace stops working during the middle of the night, you need fast heating and cooling repair service near Niles, Ill. The cold weather in Illinois can last through April, so you must have a furnace that functions optimally. You may turn a furnace...
3 Reasons You Might Need to Hire a Boiler Contractor
Ideally, every appliance in your home will operate optimally all the time. Unfortunately, things malfunction, or they simply age and wear out. If you have a central heating system in your home, a malfunctioning boiler means the overall system will not provide heat. A...
3 Reasons to Inspect Your AC Unit Every Month
When it is cold outside or even snowing, it may seem odd that your air conditioning unit would require an inspection. If you live in a geographic area that experiences heavy winds, rain or snow and your AC unit is situated outside, a monthly inspection is worth your...
Rehoboth Beach DE Air Conditioning Systems Deserve the Best Service
Our heating and air conditioning systems are pretty complex pieces of equipment and just like regular maintenance on our vehicles help them perform more efficiently and last longer, the same is true of our HVAC systems. Having thorough inspections at the beginning of...
Reasons to Avoid DIY AC Repair in Huntsville AL
Most homeowners take great pride in being able to do improvement projects around their residence. While hanging a new shelf or fixing an overflowing toilet are good jobs for a homeowner to perform, there are other tasks that will require some professional assistance....
Keep Your Family Warm All Winter Long
Winter is hanging on and March is coming in like a lion. There's no doubt about it. The cold is going to be here for at least another month. It could last even longer. You need your furnace to do its job. It can't quit on you now. If you have noticed that your heat...