Furnace Maintenance in Riverside CA Can Help Homeowners Save Money

by | Jul 17, 2024 | HVAC Contractor

Winter energy bills are almost always higher than every other time of year. Although there might not be a way to avoid paying extra to the power company in the wintertime, there are ways to save money. There’s no reason a homeowner should have to make sacrifices to pay their heating bills. These tips will help families stay warm without going broke.

Get a Tuneup

Furnace Maintenance in Riverside, CA improves the efficiency of the equipment. By getting a tuneup to clean the equipment, oil the moving parts and address all minor performance issues that may have developed over the year, a homeowner can be sure their equipment is running properly before the heating season begins. Routine maintenance can extend the life of heating equipment, thus saving homeowners money.

Program the Thermostat

There’s rarely a reason to keep a home warm when no one is home. By programming the thermostat to provide a minimal amount of heat during the day when the residents are at home or school and heat the home shortly before they’ll arrive, the family will only pay for the heat they actually use. Many people prefer their home to be cooler while they sleep. This can be programmed into the thermostat and ensure the house is warm when the first member of the family wakes up in the morning.

Clear Vents

In most cases, it isn’t necessary to clean the air ducts. However, it is important to make sure there is no furniture, toys or drapes covering any air vents. Covering or closing vents in the home could make the furnace work harder and thus cost more to operate. Doing this before calling for Furnace Maintenance in Riverside, CA could help the homeowner save money and avoid a service call.

There are a few ways a homeowner can reduce their heating costs while remaining comfortable in their home all winter. The first thing any homeowner should do is schedule an appointment with a qualified HVAC contractor to tuneup the furnace. The technician may also give advice about using the programming features of the thermostat and check the vents to ensure air is flowing properly. For more updates, visit Ace Home Heating & Air Conditioning at https://acehomeservicesrepair.com/.

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